Тренер Сассуоло хоче попрацювати за кордоном. Його сватають в Шахтар
Роберто Де Дзербі - про своє майбутнє

Головний тренер «Сассуоло» Роберто Де Дзербі зізнався, що не проти спробувати свої сили за межами Італії:
«Для мене велика честь тренувати «Сассуоло», і це мене тішить, але очевидно, що багато речей повинні бути узгоджені, щоб я залишився тут в наступному році.
Я не кажу про інтерес з боку інших команд. Чи не приховую, що хочу тренувати за кордоном. Як гравець, у мене був досвід за межами Італії, який допоміг мені зростати.
Але, перш ніж я покину клуб, щось має статися, і, звичайно ж, в день мого відходу я буду більше шкодувати про те, що не було зроблено, ніж радіти цілям, досягнутим за ці три роки».
У березні повідомлялося про те, що Де Дзербі може очолити «Шахтар».
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Тренерський штаб португальського клубу буде більше довіряти Соарешу

Sassuolo coach Roberto De Zerbi said he ‘would like to coach abroad’, as his future at the Neroverdi is uncertain. 'Many things must fit together to continue'.
The coach has helped Sassuolo establish themselves in the top half of Serie A but his time at the Mapei Stadium could come to an end after the current campaign.
De Zerbi stressed he will discuss with the managers after the season.
“I’m privileged to coach Sassuolo and it makes me happy, but it’s obvious that many things have to fit together to continue next year,” De Zerbi told SportItalia.
“I’m not talking about interest from other teams, it’s just a matter about us. There are many things to see about the future.
“I don’t hide the fact that I would like to coach abroad. As a player, I had experiences outside of Italy that helped me grow, and I would like to avoid having these experiences at the end of my career.
“But, before I leave the club of my will, something must happen and certainly, the day I leave, I will have more regret for what has not been done than happiness for the targets achieved in these three years.
“I’m also talking about targets on the market, not just about football.”
De Zerbi said Sassuolo won’t need his advice to replace him in the future.
“Together, we need to understand if it’s right to continue with a club to which I’m grateful,” De Zerbi continued. “However, it bothers me to talk too much about what happens after, to say who will replace me.
“Sassuolo have always had clear ideas, they know what to do in the eventuality, they don’t need my advice.
“Sassuolo is a creature that started three years ago and has grown over time. Being fairly stable at eighth in Serie A means that we have been doing our best for two years.
“We must keep the motivations high, the group should be refreshed, I also told [CEO Giovanni] Carnevali, but it’s clearly not mandatory to start again with these objectives, seventh or eighth place, you can recreate something new and maybe think about safety after 30 games and not in the first round.”
Spezia coach Vincenzo Italiano has been compared to De Zerbi, who also spoke about Andrea Pirlo’s first season at Juventus.
“Italiano is himself, he certainly didn’t need Serie A to prove that he’s good,” De Zerbi said when asked if the Aquilotti coach was the new him.
“He had already proved it. Talking about others is not nice, those are topics kept between colleagues. And Pirlo is hardly judged. In the top teams it’s never easy, especially as the first experience.
“Not having had the pre-season is another thing that penalises him. There have been some matches were Juventus have been good anyway.
“Inter? You don’t win so many consecutive games by chance, but by playing well.”
The Sassuolo coach was then asked if Italy international Manuel Locatelli was ready to play for Juventus.
“He is ready for any midfield,” De Zerbi said.