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| Оновлено 01 травня 2019, 21:56

Жінка-трансгендер перемогла в дев'яти з дев'яти турнірах в США

Мері Грегорі побила 4 світові рекорди

| Оновлено 01 травня 2019, 21:56
Жінка-трансгендер перемогла в дев'яти з дев'яти турнірах в США

Австралійка штангістка-трансгендер Мері Грегорі перемогла в дев'яти з дев'яти турнірах під егідою Raw Powerlifting Federation в США і встановила чотири світові рекорди.






As promised here is the full meet recap- what a day yesterday! One my best meets ever, not because of the records but because I was prepared, had a plan and flawlessly executed it! The records were just icing on the cake! - Friday night weighed in super light at 179.3lbs, 81.3kg! Over a kg under the class limit. - Squats, opener 130kg good lift. Opened a bit lighter than planned, was having issues with depth. Wanted to make sure I buried this one. 2nd attempt 138kg good lift. Chipped the VA State masters record here. Based on feels I knew I didn't have much left for thirds. 3rd attempt 142.5kg/ 314.2lbs good lift. Chipped the world masters record here. It felt much harder than it looked, I really don't think much more was there. - Bench, opener 100kg good lift. This was a world masters record. Couldn't get set up right and the pins we're a bit low. This was alot harder than I expected. 2nd attempt 102.5kg good lift. Broke my own record, took a hand off. This one felt the best out all three bench attempts. 3rd 105.5kg/ 232.6lbs good lift. Chipped the world open bench record. Got a fast press command luckily, this one again felt harder than it looked. Was struggling with tightness here, really don't think I had much left here as well. - DL opener 177.5kg good lift and world masters total record. This felt harder than I expected so I took a smaller jump for my 2nd. 2nd attempt 185kg good lift, world masters dl record. This felt really good. Starting to get in the groove. 3rd attempt 192.5kg/ 424.4lbs good lift and a 2.5kg PR! This didn't feel much different than 185kg but I didn't want to get greedy- the plan was 9 for 9 and I had a conservative PR. Felt great to end the strong! - Again, awesome day! Totaled 440.5kg/ 971.1lbs with a 399.5wilks. Thanks again to the all people who supported me, helped me, and cheered me on! 27 white lights, excited to get back too training and prepping for the next meet! - @savvysavit #transisbeautiful#sharetheplatform#powerliftingwomen#upliftandliftheavy#richmondbalance#morefemalestrength#exodusstrength#lgbtqsports#sumoischeating#deadlifts#benching#squats#bemoreawesome

Публикация от Mary Gregory (@75marylifts)





One year ago I took my first steps in Public as openly female. Lots of things have changed! 💖 9 mos on hormones! 💖 no longer on anti depressants! 💖 changed my name! 💖 divorced and living on my own! 💖 on Instagram! 💖 have a Facebook page! 💖 down almost 35lbs! 💖 competed in my first Pull for Pride! 💖 joined a rad gym! 💖 actually made some legit gym PRs! 💖 started a new business! 💖 started reffing meets! 💖 made so many wonderful new friends!!! - My life has changed so much, gotten so much richer! A year ago I couldn't have imagined all this! So excited to see were the next year takes me!!! - #transgenderwoman#transisbeautiful#thisiswhattranslookslike#myjourney#mystory#transformationtuesday#lovinglife#liftlunchlearnrva#morefemalestrength#strongwomen

Публикация от Mary Gregory (@75marylifts)










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Вона офіційно жіночі рекорди побила чи що!? Чи є якісь трансгендерні рекорди?
Да, феминистки ей патлы повырывают... И здесь мужики всё испортили)))
Дас ист фантастиш)))
Дмитрий Нечаев
Прям как паренёк, Надя Савченко, герой страны-трансгендера.