ФОТО. Свято в Опері. Як УАФ відзначає свій 30-й день народження
У церемонії бере участь делегація УЄФА на чолі з Чеферіном

Сьогодні, 9 грудня в Національній опері України проходить урочиста церемонія святкування 30-річчя Української асоціації футболу.
У церемонії беруть участь керівники держави, делегація УЄФА на чолі з президентом Александером Чеферіном, який приїхав в Україну на запрошення президента УАФ Андрія Павелка, представники ФІФА, керівники європейських футбольних асоціацій.
У Національній опері зібралися зірки українського футболу, серед яких, зокрема, Олег Блохін, Ігор Бєланов, Олексій Михайличенко, Олег Протасов, Анатолій Дем'яненко та інші. Також на свято запрошені керівники та співробітники УАФ, представники ЗМІ та інші почесні гості.
Під час урочистої церемонії присутні згадують найяскравіші моменти з історії українського футболу, відзначають легенд та тих, хто писав футбольний літопис незалежної України.
The hosts tonight are Artem Gagarin, Vlada Zinchenko & Timur Miroshnichenko pic.twitter.com/BnLJR9W9gI
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Dzidzio has performed the Ukrainian National Anthem too 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/as6YbDeaMD
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
UAF President Andrii Pavelko now takes to the stage for his speech pic.twitter.com/VFQDGg8THa
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
President of @UEFA Aleksandr Ceferin is opening the show tonight with a speech
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
He says that ‘Ukraine has achieved so much in its 30 years of its independence with regards to football - something many countries haven’t been able to achieve in 100 +’ pic.twitter.com/VnctvqcXOT
Time to remember Ukraine’s first ever FIFA international back in 1992
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Ukraine faced Hungary in Uzhhorod with minimal preparations
Zbirna lost 3-1 with Ivan Hetsko grabbing 🇺🇦 first ever goal
He mentions a lot of confusion at the time, not knowing the anthem & Inter kits pic.twitter.com/NsqSHN6dWd
Remembering Ukraine’s goals over the past 30 years & Marko Devic’s ghost goal v England getting a shoutout from Euro 2012 pic.twitter.com/ZVnXF1oZFZ
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Piano performance with Ukraine’s TOP 10 goals of the past 30 years!
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Yevhen Konoplyanka’s finish v England at Wembley included! pic.twitter.com/8pnHu8zO8P
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Vitaly Buhay of Podillya Khmelnytsky was the scorer of the first ever club goal in Ukraine’s independent history as he grabbed one in the Cup v Bukovyna back in 1991
Ukraine’s first champions Tavirya Simferopol also getting a well deserved mention 🏆 pic.twitter.com/v4Zbve3esA
Shovkovskyi (Dynamo Kyiv UCL Semi Finalist 98/99)
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Shevchuk (Shakhtar Donetsk UEFA Cup Winner 08/09)
Rotan (FC Dnipro Europa League Runner Up 14/15)
All speaking now as representatives of the Ukrainian clubs’ best showings in Europe over the past 30 years! pic.twitter.com/LZxP2U5p79
Oleksiy Mykhaylychenko remembers some moments from his managerial career including Ukraine U21s Silver medal at Euro 2006
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Also worth mentioning the ex Dynamo, Sampdoria & Rangers player spoke in Ukrainian throughout his speech 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/rxbHBFZc2h
Two of Ukraine’s three Ballon D’Or winners in the house tonight!
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Ihor Belanov (l) & Oleh Blokhin (r) who is remembering how he took Ukraine to their only (so far) World Cup finals in 2006 pic.twitter.com/k3DtOceWjz
Remembering all the footballing legends of 🇺🇦 & Ukrainian clubs that are no longer with us 🕯 pic.twitter.com/6vTlIEObOz
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
It’s a chronological show tonight!
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Now we’re remembering Ukraine’s U19s & U20s winning the 2009 Euros (hosted in Donetsk / Mariupol) & the World Cup win in Poland in 2019
U20 World Cup winning manager Oleksandr Petrakov is now Ukraine’s senior NT manager pic.twitter.com/PJYDZu7BiK
We are the Champions rings around the Opera Theatre as the U20 World Cup win from 2019 is remembered in the background pic.twitter.com/u7yvLfAdo9
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
Shakhtar CB & the U20 WC winning captain Valeriy Bondar thanks the UAF for their support & congratulates them on 30 years!
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
He also apologises for speaking in Russian saying nobody would understand his Ukrainian atm but will strive to brush up & speak it in the future 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/cMGNYFtSgo
Head of Ukrainian Referees, Luciano Luci speaks to the crowd
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
He thanks his colleague Francesco Baranca
‘Monzul is the best Female referee in the World’
It’s also Nicola Rizzoli’s first ‘public’ appearance after becoming Head of Refereeing development at UAF pic.twitter.com/slR0eHTPzg
Memorable performance by Brutto (Lyapis Trubetskoy) of famous song of the terraces & anthem of the Revolution of Dignity
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
The truce between Ultras since the War with Russia began was also remembered 🇺🇦🙏 pic.twitter.com/gjXdVBXNm1
Now it’s Ihor Belanov’s turn to recall his Ballon D’Or win pic.twitter.com/FRzUxZo66Y
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
New Ukraine Women’s manager @Llcortes14 gives his well wishes on UAF’s 30th anniversary but also states how he is looking forward to helping develop Ukrainian Women’s football in the country 🇺🇦🇪🇸 pic.twitter.com/Y4i4ENbYP6
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
President Zelensky takes to the stage to close the night! pic.twitter.com/bPwN6QLbvM
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
The night ends with iconic Ukrainian pop song that rings around football stadiums too - Chervona Ruta pic.twitter.com/atKgHSwy6e
— Zorya Londonsk (@ZoryaLondonsk) December 9, 2021
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